Low-Code Tools Transform Software Development: Boosting Productivity

Low-Code Tools Transform Software Development: Boosting Productivity

In a survey conducted by Reveal, it has been unveiled that low-code software is transforming the landscape of software development, significantly enhancing productivity. With responses from 585 professionals, the survey sheds light on the remarkable impact of low-code tools on developer workflows and organizational efficiency.

Insights from the Survey:

  1. Productivity Surge: Over 90% of respondents reported a substantial increase in developer productivity with the adoption of low-code tools within their organizations. Notably, 43.5% of developers are saving up to 50% of their time on projects by leveraging these tools.
  2. Shifting Workloads: The survey reveals a notable shift in developers' time allocation, with coding occupying 28.2% of their time, compared to 43.4% in the previous year. This signifies a significant reduction in coding hours, indicating the efficacy of low-code solutions in streamlining development processes.
  3. Rise of Low-code Platforms: Two-thirds (71.8%) of developers are currently utilizing low-code/no-code tools, with more than half (56.4%) anticipating increased reliance on these tools in 2024. Furthermore, 28% of developers aim to adopt low-code/no-code tools within the year, reflecting the growing momentum behind this technology.

Addressing Industry Challenges:

The software development landscape is riddled with challenges, including limited resources, high workloads, development backlogs, and a shortage of skilled developers. Low-code platforms emerge as a viable solution to these pain points, driving innovation, conserving resources, and providing a significant productivity boost.

Jason Beres, Senior VP of Developer Tools at Infragistics, highlights the democratizing impact of low-code software, enabling non-developers to participate in application development. Beres emphasizes that low-code tools empower teams to create and modify applications using intuitive interfaces, thereby bridging the gap between traditional developers and citizen developers.

Market Trends and Forecast:

The market for low-code tools is experiencing exponential growth, fueled by the demand for streamlined development processes and enhanced efficiency. Analysts predict that low code will become the preferred software development method by 2025, with the market projected to reach almost $30 billion, showcasing its immense potential in reshaping the industry landscape.

Key Takeaways:

  • Low-code tools have transformed software development, driving significant improvements in productivity and efficiency.
  • Developers are increasingly embracing low-code platforms, with a majority anticipating greater reliance on these tools in the coming years.
  • The rise of low-code solutions addresses industry challenges such as limited resources, high workloads, and a shortage of skilled developers, offering a pathway to innovation and scalability.


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