Empowering Python Developers: Building Dynamic Web Interfaces with Anvil

Empowering Python Developers: Building Dynamic Web Interfaces with Anvil

Anvil is a revolutionary tool in the realm of web development, offering Python enthusiasts a seamless way to create web interfaces without delving into the complexities of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. What sets Anvil apart is its pure Python approach, allowing users to write all their code in Python, making web development more accessible and intuitive.

With Anvil, the barriers to entry for web development are lowered, empowering Python developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications with ease. In this article, we will see a step-by-step tutorial to build a full-stack feedback app using Anvil. First, create your account on Anvil, and you are ready to create the first app with Python.

Step 1: Create a new App

Begin by logging in to your Anvil account and selecting "Create a new App" to initiate a new project. Opt for the Material Design theme to give your app a modern and visually appealing interface.

Step 2: Add a Server Model

  1. Navigate to the Sidebar Menu and locate the App Browser icon.
  2. Within the App Browser, click on '+ Add Server Module'.
  3. A new Server Module will be created, providing a dedicated space for server-side logic.

Step 3: Write the Python function

  1. Now let's write the server function to email us feedback using the built-in email service that is provided by Anvil
def emailfunc(name, email, feedback):
#Send yourself an email each time feedback is submitted
  anvil.email.send(to="noreply@anvil.works", #Change this to your email address!
                   subject=f"Feedback from {name}",
  A new person has filled out the feedback form!

  Name: {name}
  Email address: {email}
  1. To enable anvil.email.send, add the Email Service by clicking the blue '+' button from the sidebar menu, then selecting 'Email' from the available services in the sidebar menu.

Step 4: Building the UI

  1. Navigate to 'Form1' in the App Browser to access the user interface (UI). Construct the UI by dragging and dropping components from the Toolbox onto the page. Look for the Card component in the Theme Elements section of the Toolbox, which contains components tailored to the current app's theme.
  1. Below the Toolbox on the right, locate the Properties Panel, where you can modify the styling and behavior of your components. In this panel, change the role of the selected component to 'Headline' to adjust its appearance and function accordingly.

Step 5: Add the Labels

To create our feedback form, we'll prompt users for their name, email address, and feedback using labels. Drag and drop three label icons onto the page.

  1. Edit the text of each label to correspond to the input prompts:
    • Label 1: "Name:"
    • Label 2: "Email:"
    • Label 3: "Feedback:"
  1. Next to the "Name:" label, add a TextBox component named "name_box". Repeat this process beside the "Email:" label, renaming the TextBox component to "email_box". Lastly, place a TextArea component below the "Feedback:" label and rename it to "feedback_box".
  2. Add the Button icon below the feedback_box and change the properties accordingly.

Step 6: Python for the Client side


Step 7: Create the Database


To share your app with others, simply go to the 'Publish' button located at the top right corner of the editor. Then, choose 'Publish this app' and utilize the provided public URL or input your own. Afterward, you'll receive an email notification whenever someone submits feedback through your form, and the app will store this feedback in your database.

In conclusion, Anvil offers Python enthusiasts a straightforward way to build web interfaces without the complexities of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Its pure Python approach breaks down barriers to entry, empowering developers of all levels to create dynamic and interactive web applications effortlessly. Now, anyone can publish as many web apps as they want with ease.

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